Check out the best products on the market from Sterliq Pay

Sterliq Pay is a payment service provider - a single source who serves all aspects of a payment.
Made by people for people.
New understanding of the phrase convenient payments
We value a free and fast movement of money across the globe while providing convenient storage without losing money's value.
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Multi-currency account
All your money in one vault
Many banks do not allow you to store money in different currencies and most of them do not provide the storage of cryptocurrencies. Sterliq Pay offers all of this - we give you the opportunity to have a multi-currency account, where you can have several fiat currencies and crypto - all in one account.
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WELCOME TO Sterliq pay
A modern way to pay and get paid, anywhere.
We believe in a financial world in which people can move their money freely, store it safely and securely, and keep its nominal worth. Sterliq Pay was made to work for people and for progress.
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A modern way to pay and get paid, anywhere.
WELCOME TO Sterliq pay
A modern way to pay and get paid, anywhere.
We believe in a financial world in which people can move their money freely, store it safely and securely, and keep its nominal worth. Sterliq Pay was made to work for people and for progress.
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We follow all industry-standard rules and best practices to ensure that your money is protected.
We follow all industry-standard rules and best practices to ensure that your money is protected.
We follow all industry-standard rules and best practices to ensure that your money is protected.